Linden traffic cops not performing

Dear Editor,

Where traffic in Linden is concerned traffic cops ought to have no problems whatsoever.  If you asked me they are a bunch of lucky guys short on work.  So then why is the little to be done not being attended to? Is it they don’t know what has to be done or they haven’t noticed?  There are as I have noticed and as have been observed also by other members of the community some reckless, irresponsible, mostly young drivers who ought to be on the traffic cops’ radar constantly until they are in conformity with rules/law, seeing to it that vehicles are in healthy and fit condition all for the safety of self and members of the community.  All well and proper with that, but traffic cops duties should not appear to be confined to lurking and tracking down drivers, issuing tickets for violations or otherwise as the case maybe and which is known to be not uncommon.

It’s good to see some roads around Linden that have been done, but why can’t we have a job done thoroughly, completed to the end.  Now the idea of having humps placed at various points across the recently done roads is very thoughtful since many drivers behave as if they are on a racing circuit.  But why leave these humps unmarked, aren’t they supposed to be marked with yellow/white reflecting paint or whatever so that they are noticeable from a distance both day and night.  It seems so ironic that while the humps were in the first place placed with the concern for the safety of citizens, leaving them unmarked equally poses another danger: Highlight them so that all are aware – unmistakable.

Dageraad Ave which is a one-way street has a blind side turning left into Sir David Rose Ave caused by a large clump of bamboo trees obscuring any proper vision, making that left turn or going straight across into the Constabulary Compound spells danger, for not until one is dead centre of Sir David Rose one can see clearly the on-coming traffic, it’s a matter of taking chances until something terrible happens.  Don’t traffic cops take notice, they run that route every single day.  This is what is referred to as dereliction of duty or simply underperformance.

Also, what is so wrong in putting up a “keep left” sign at that roundabout by the Linden Library taking one into and out of “Speight Land” and Retrieve. It had been without a sign for a number of years, why take things for granted, assuming that by now everyone ought to know, why can’t we just do the right thing – replace the signs.

And finally, the saying “a stitch in time saves nine” still holds, it’s a truism that the wise heed to but it seems as if it has been discarded by some, for all the tea in China I cannot comprehend why it is a road has to be broken in half before any attention is paid to it – damn! beats me.

Yours faithfully,

Frank Fyffe