Vlissengen Rd culverts need repairing

Dear Editor,

I drove around town early yesterday morning and realized that, of the wards of Central Georgetown, only East Queenstown was still experiencing severe flooding.  Trees have been sitting in water too long (almost three days so far, this time around, although rainfall has not been excessive). By a stroke of luck, a mango tree came crashing to the ground when children were not in the schoolyard, and did not damage the neighbour’s house or fence. Apart from the health risks of flooding, East Queenstown risks losing an essential part of its ecosystem, especially as more and more parts of GT become concrete jungles. I’m appealing to members of the City Council to help Queenstown residents maintain a green city by minimizing the risk of something like this happening again. Repair the Vlissengen Road culverts, please!!

Yours faithfully,

Maureen Marks-Mendonca