Stop talking, start walking

Dear Editor,

This is the moment in our history that calls for inspiring, thoughtful, out-of-the-box personages, who must be never less than patriotic.  Country first has to be the mantra, the personal culture, and the defining principle.  Instead of what is in there to serve my own interests, the question must be in what ways can I truly serve those who need it the most?

Yet there is so much horsepower spent, and so little horse sense exhibited in such dispiriting matters as the (re)naming of airports and streets, and similar frolics by serious combatants who could be otherwise occupied.  Surely both sides of these “national” issues can discipline themselves to refocus when there are so many grave matters of state crying for attention and prioritization and movement.  A house of detention in the heart of the capital is in a fragile dangerous state and demands solutions.  Now!  Crime needs to be managed and controlled.  Now!  The economy demands much needed boosts.  Now!  Then add any and all reforms one can think of, and on what are we spending precious resources talking about for crying out loud? In addition, when there is a need for fresh new energy, there are these Ronald Reagan clones in various states of dementia doddering around pretending at leading, forward thinking, and decision-making.  They could not make one to save their lives; they have not made one in the last several decades.  Surely, somebody has to be kidding me!  Whatever happened to that touted 47% youth voting bloc?  Is the group only good for election fodder?

It is because of the above that I respectfully call on the President, all ministers, CEOs, chairpersons of boards and board members to cease and desist from the mediaevalism now shrouding this land in Dark Ages grimness.

Stop saying one thing, end up doing the opposite, and when questioned claim that the opposites are one and the same.  Who is fooling whom here?

Along similar lines, I disagree with the step taken by Mr Imran Khan, but applaud him for the courage of his convictions.  More of the same is needed from others similarly situated.  When men and women (especially younger ones) detect improprieties of ‘same ole, same ole’ then it is time for them to stand up and shout from the rooftops.  Shake things up.  Walk the walk like Mr Khan did.  Repeat: stop talking, start walking.  Find some cojones.  Live a different reality.  Send a message, express delivery.  Here is one: take this job and shove it.  There has been enough of the crocodilian lachrymosity in the political and social world of this society.  It is why I urge conscientious contributing citizens, the good and great and others), who stand as public megaphones to pick any of the comprehensive matters begging for attention and pressure, and then stay with it.

I daresay that the powerbrokers in government might smirk and roll their eyes; but each new development and disclosure brings the regime one step closer to the old, the unsavoury, and the unacceptable.  Nobody wanted that, and soon enough very few will want what grows stronger today.  That is, other than for the Geritol Brigade, of course.

To repeat myself: it is a brave new day.  It calls for brave people with bolder ideas, and still bolder ways of living.  It was Disraeli who said “Damn your principles, stick to your party.”  Since that has forever maimed and ruined this land, isn’t it time to do a complete reversal?

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall