Thomas Road needs street lights

Dear Editor,

Before I launch into my concern, I must commend the Government for making our roadways better, something that should have been done in recent years. I am quite pleased to see that Thomas Road (one which I traverse ever so often) is now in an excellent condition. However, the road which accommodates two-way traffic, is very narrow and can prove to be very dangerous for those persons who utilise it in the nights. For this reason, I strongly believe that street lights should be placed along this road so as to guide drivers.

Thomas Road is a very busy road. Investing in street lights now will benefit road users immensely in the long run as not only will they assist drivers in the nights, but they will aid in the reduction of road accidents.

I fervently hope that this will be a project that the Government seeks to undertake in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Devi Ram