Et tu Barbados?

Dear Editor,

In a recent letter on West Indian cricket I wondered whether the Antiguan Prime Minister’s decision to dissent from the majority Caricom view on the handling of the WICB may have had something to do with the location of the corporation’s head office in Antigua. On the very day the letter was submitted, I heard the aforesaid Prime Minister in a radio interview, justifying his position, while simultaneously referring to business development arrangements regarding the Stanford arena between his government and the WICB. I did not congratulate myself on my foresight, perhaps because my wife, who was the only person within hearing distance, has warned me about wasting her time with cricket.

I am now wondering about the Barbadian dissent, which echoes that of the Antiguan Prime Minister. Head office location, of course, cannot provide an explanation; I wonder, however, whether Mr Cameron, the master politician, has not made a promise about the succession.

I hope I am wrong in my fear about the process.

Yours faithfully,

Romain Pitt