Security guard should be awarded

Dear Editor,

I am constrained to write on the attempted robbery at Hand in Hand Trust Corporation, Inc last Wednesday. Knowing the audacious and adventurous behaviour of bandits nowadays, I am in no way surprised by their conduct. What surprised me is the level of bravery displayed by the female security guard, who placed her life at stake to physically thwart the intended crime and serious eventualities.

I am calling for the female security guard to be recognized and awarded for her bravery; the security company personnel who were fortuitously around and who responded positively to be given some form of award.

Meanwhile it should not be business as usual; the situation warrants an urgent review of the security framework at the Trust Corporation to determine the personnel needed and electronic adequacy.

I wish the guard a full and speedy recovery. It is also my wish that all who were affected by the incident quickly overcome their psychological trauma.

Yours faithfully,

R Innisss