No water bills in Leguan for months

Dear Editor,

Guyana Water Inc reminds customers every month to pay the water bills. If not, the customers face disconnection. I have nothing against the reminders. It’s the right way to get the money from customers who refuse to pay their water bills.
Editor, what is disturbing is that GWI doesn’t send out water bills to everybody for months. That happens in some areas in Leguan, where the customers have had no water bills since June/July 2016, including myself. We did not refuse to pay the water bills but we will pay only if we receive the bills.
In August I informed the local GWI office in Leguan and the Customer Service of GWI by Messenger and by phone about the missing water bills.
No answer up to today.
Editor, it’s seems that GWI has some problems with its billing system or with the delivery service in Leguan. Owing to this, GWI can’t blame the customers.

Yours faithfully,
Hans M Buer