Aurora Village (Part 2)

St Paul’s Anglican Church in Aurora

Things in Aurora Village are much livelier than in Aurora Estate. Women walk in and out of the health centre with babies hanging from their hips; policemen stand outside the police station bracing against a wooden rail as they talk amongst themselves and shouts of chatter from children playing fill the air.

River tree: A tree growing in the Essequibo River near Aurora (Photo by Joanna Dhanraj)
River tree: A tree growing in the Essequibo River near Aurora (Photo by Joanna Dhanraj)

Eunice McIntosh sat in the verandah of an incomplete, unpainted concrete structure surrounded by confectionary, all sorts of deep fried chips and such goodies, chatting with a young visually impaired man who sat across from her. She enthusiastically welcomed a chat with the World Beyond Georgetown.

McIntosh, a retired Suddie Hospital worker and now a pensioner, has been vending at one of the