Request for Milk Bread

Soft tender crumb of Milk Bread rolls (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Hi Everyone,

As I told you last week, my mother is visiting and, over the period of time that she’s been here, there have been several requests for specific things that she would like to eat and drink. Milk bread is one of those requests.

20140809TasteslikehomeBefore I acquiesced to her wish, I enquired about her desire to have milk bread. Her response was straightforward, “You can eat it just like that without anything. It tastes better and I like the texture.”

“Tastes better?” I enquired. “Better than what?”

Who told me to ask… mommy launched into a rant about the different bakeries in Guyana and “the ‘things’ some of them making that they call bread.” She described bread from a bakery that when cut the slices crumble. She scoffed at bread from another well-known bakery that she says was nothing to talk about. All is not lost though, there are two bakeries from which she