Putting more local products on our Supermarket Shelves

Much of the evidence of the steady growth of Guyana’s manufacturing sector, particularly its agro-processing sector, is to be found on the display shelves of the Guyana Marketing Corporation’s Guyana Shop at the corner of Robb and Alexander streets. On the surface the growth of this sector is only modestly discernable. However, viewed together, in the spaces afforded by the modest size of the Guyana Shop, there is manifest evidence of an encouraging level of inventiveness, creativity and a determination of Guyanese men and women across the country to build businesses of their own, utilizing the abundance of various raw materials at our disposal.

The most recent Agro Processors Catalogue published by the Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) lists and displays more than one hundred agro processed products and a good few others that are challenging for space on the local and in some instances, overseas market. The Catalogue lists scores of brands of pepper sauces, blended seasonings, honey, barbecue sauces, cassava bread, coconut oil, coconut water, confectionary, flours, jams and jellies, soaps and detergents, among others.

There is encouraging evidence too that the pressure of competition has, in recent years, significantly raised the quality of labeling and packaging afforded these products. Over time, deficiencies in these areas have been among the primary reasons why our local products have not found their way onto the display shelves of high-end supermarkets and other commercial outlets in Georgetown and across the country.