Mr Rohee, the plague is upon both houses

Let me thank Mr. Clement Rohee for publicly engaging me on perhaps the most important question that has been on the political agenda of Guyana for the past 60 years: ‘how do we get to a government that can ensure the psychological and actual peace and prosperity for all of us[?]’ (There is a place for everyone in the PPP, SN 7/2/2017). All the other major social problems in Guyana take on the intensity they do largely because we have not yet arrived at a practical answer to this question.

Usually it is catastrophe, not wisdom that is the catalyst that forces the leadership in countries such as ours to adopt the necessary solutions, and one would have thought that over the decades we have had enough disasters to spare ourselves more harm. This has not, however, happened, so the discourse must continue, and Mr. Rohee, given your location as a long time senior member of the PPP, after taking this opportunity to clear the decks somewhat, I am hoping that we can help to move the process forward.