The one Caribbean myth

After last week’s column on empty cricket stands at the Queen’s Park Oval, I ended up, as I often do with these writings, in an interesting exchange, in this instance with John Aaron, a Guyanese who lives in New York, and with voices ranging from the man on Irving Street selling coconuts, to the widely dispersed views of Ron Sanders, Ambassador from Antigua to the USA and the OAS. While it is not a topic on the front burner, like the looming oil industry here, this notion of regional unity has been around “from Noah was a bwoy”, as the Jamaicans say, and it certainly remains in a pot on stove to be reheated and once again offered for consumption. John is related by marriage to the late Pat Cameron, of Radio Demerara fame – a lady for whom I have great respect – and our conversation was amiable throughout.  Indeed, an insightful person on his own, he brought a number of interesting views to our gaff, and