Movement against parking meters outraged that vehicles still being clamped

The Movement Against Parking Meters has expressed outrage that clamping of motor vehicles is still continuing despite an order yesterday by the Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan suspending the bylaws that were created for the project.

A statement from the movement follows:

The MOVEMENT AGAINST PARKING METERS (MAPM) expresses its dissatisfaction and disgust that in spite of Central Government’s suspension of the parking meter by-laws, Smart City Solutions (GeoPark), continues to bully citizens in the streets of Georgetown into paying for parking. The usual clamping exercises and intimidation tactics could be seen in full force on Saturday 18th, 2017.

The release said that with the official suspension of the by-laws by Minister Ronald Bulkan, the company cannot enforce the parking rules that they had previously put in place and they have no legal basis upon which to collect money or clamp the vehicles of citizens.

The Civil Society Group strongly urges all citizens to not submit to any form of intimidation and further, calls upon the local Police Force and the judicial system to protect the people of Guyana. “Nowhere else in this world can a company of Guyanese origin, disregard the laws of a foreign country and its Government in this way without consequences. What or whom has emboldened Smart City Solutions to enslave our people and get away with it? If this is allowed to continue, it speaks volumes of how badly our national systems have failed us. I however remain optimistic that our authorizes will soon come to their senses and be vigilant against this unlawful, foreign intruder who shows no respect for us Guyanese on our own soil”, said Sharon Lalljee-Richard, an ardent MAPM supporter.

The Movement Against Parking Meters (MAPM) acknowledges the three month suspension from Government and sees it as a positive first step in the right direction. The Movement continues to call for a complete revocation of both the parking meter contract and its supporting by-laws.