Medical reimbursement from NIS fell from $24,000 to $380

Dear Editor,

I have been a pensioner for the past seven years. Before I attained the age of 60 years I had been claiming NIS medical benefits for hypertension and diabetic care.  I attach a copy of the doctor’s charges to the sum of $46,400. I never had a problem with my NIS reimbursement which usually amounted to about $24,000 for every three months.

However, I was recently asked to take my medication to the nurse at the Skeldon NIS Office. I gave her my medication that I am using together with those for my open-heart surgery operation and informed her that I am not claiming for the open-heart surgery medication. She asked me the amount the NIS is paying me monthly. I am not aware of what the nurse reported but the amount of money I received for my reimbursement was $380 (receipt attached) which is outrageous. It is my belief that a negative report was submitted by the nurse since she believed that I am receiving enough monthly from the NIS. I started to pay NIS from day one in September 1969 to the 7th November, 2010 (41 years). What is the problem now?

Yours respectively,

Roopnarine Sukhu

Editor’s note: A copy of this letter and its attachments is being sent to the NIS for any comment it may wish to make.