Well-managed traffic at Harbour Bridge

Dear Editor,

I joined a long, slow moving but fairly orderly line of traffic Sunday afternoon at Schoonord, on the Western side of the Demerara Harbour Bridge. To my amazement when I got up to the junction with the Harbour Bridge road and the road to La Grange there was only one traffic policeman doing a magnificent job.

I could not believe it. So I looked around for more police and counted only three in all, with one motor-cycle and one DHB employee with a radiophone. But it was the management that caught my admiration.

The barricades were cleverly arranged to deter the line-jumpers and chaos-creators (who still insisted on boring their own way); the DHB employee stood at the junction near the bridge and called the other two policemen on the one motorbike when needed as they patrolled the lines. The system seemed to assure commuters of fair play, and thus decreased the temptation to get out of line.

These policemen did that job as if they owned it, like when a family or a team realizes their resource limitations and buckle down to the task at hand. Kudos to competence!

Yours faithfully,

 Alfred Bhulai