Public Infrastructure Minister must come clean on the new Demerara Harbour Bridge

Dear Editor,

The Guyanese people, I am sure are ripe with some excitement and welcome the news of a new Demerara Harbour Bridge. This excitement, however, I am sure is now tempered by facts that are becoming public, and as such a public discussion is current.

There are a number of issues that the Minister of Public Infrastructure must come clean on and level with the masses. Now that there is an announcement by the government that the bridge will be built from Houston to Versailles, some specific questions must be answered.

  1. What would be the cost of the acquisition of lands at Houston and at Versailles? Why did the Ministry of Public Infrastructure only announce acquisition of lands at Houston? What about Versailles? Who is the owner(s) of the land at this location?
  2. If a decision has been made for Versailles to be the agreed site on the western end, where the bridge will terminate, what is the agreed figure with the owner(s) agreed upon for the acquisition of the lands?
  3. With this new structure, what would be the cost of tolls for commuters and for commercial transporters?

What would be the percentage increase in tolls? Since the feasibility study indicated that the increase in tolls will be inadequate to finance this project, what would be the level of government subsidy/ financing? We need to know the amount; it cannot be a blind date.

  1. To support the construction of this bridge, there will be the need for other infrastructure, approach roads, vehicular overpass and other non-bridge infrastructure that would be priced separately and apart from the bridge. What would be the total or estimated total of such infrastructure?
  2. Since we have not seen copies of the social impact assessment or the environmental impact assessment, could the Minister inform the nation how this site will affect businesses in the vicinity of the proposed site on both the north and south sides of the river? Since within a specific distance determined by international standards the mooring of vessels is restricted for safety purposes in the vicinity of this bridge, how will this impact the publicly announced onshore oil and gas facility and investments made by Muneshwer’s Limited at the recently acquired Gafoor’s property at Houston? This is in addition to existing fishing establishments, fuel terminals and other wharfs that service ocean going vessels.
  3. As it relates to traffic flow and congestion, is there a network of roads that was considered and how does the proposed Ogle to Diamond bypass road fit into this scheme?
  4. What is the financing model for this bridge? Would it be a Private Public Partnership (PPP) or the Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) model? Would the selected contractor be responsible for financing and building the bridge as well as other infrastructure to accommodate usage of the bridge or would it be two separate awards?
  5. Why is the ministry requesting that bidders sign non-disclosure agreements as well as waive their rights to protest the award if aggrieved? Is it because the government has already predetermined who will be contracted to build this bridge and the financing model? Are the few selected bidders only to be window-dressing to give the impression of a fair and open process? Why is it necessary to waive their rights to protest if aggrieved?
  6. What are the experts’ estimated total cost of the bridge as well as other infrastructure to facilitate and operationalize the Houston to Versailles Demerara bridge link?

My fellow Guyanese and I would like to have a bridge, not another scandal.

Yours faithfully,

Juan Edghill, MP