Drain still has not been cleared

Dear Editor,

Please permit me space once more to express my concern and disappointment at the way the Better Hope/La Bonne Intention NDC have been operating. I have published two letters in your daily Stabroek News dated August16 and September 5 advocating that the main drain situated on the northern half of the railway embankment stretching from the estate road to the BV sideline dam in LBI be cleared.

I have spoken to the Chairman and his team since February 2017 on numerous occasions one of which was when he and one councillor visited when my yard was flooded, but to date no one has  paid any attention to remedying the situation. A copy of my letter dated 2017.09.05 was noted and sent to the chairman for any comment he might wish to make. To date no progress has been seen, the situation remains the same.

I pleaded in both letters for the relevant ministries of Public Infrastructure and Communities to look into the matter and bring some relief, but it seems like no one really cares about the citizens who are affected.  I am hoping that this, my third letter will draw the attention of those who are responsible and have this situation given some consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Ricky Ram

Editor’s note

We sent a copy of a previous letter from Mr Ram to Mr Zaman Shaw, Chairman of the Better Hope/La Bonne Intention NDC, for any comment he might have wished to make, but received no response.