We absolutely depend on voices of ABC countries to speak out on bad governance, fraudulent elections

Dear Editor,

We thank UK High Commissioner, Greg Quinn `Court could be way out of GECOM Chairman imbroglio but decision would have to be given quickly – UK High Commission-er’ SN October 23rd , for speaking out on this most crucial issue of obtaining decent governance in our native land. Thousands of Guyanese reside permanently abroad – and given the history of fraudulent elections in Guyana – we have become most anxious about another fraudulent election in 2020.

President Granger has committed a terrible faux pas with his decision to act unilaterally to appoint the chairman of GECOM – a clear violation of the letter and spirit of the constitution. The constitution clearly specifies he may do so only on the condition that the Leader of the Opposition fails to submit a list of names. Three lists have been submitted only to have all the names rejected each time. Over many months as this charade ran its course, it became clear to hundreds of thousands of Guyanese at home and abroad that something is very funny about these blanket rejections of all the names on three lists.

In President Granger’s mind those crucial words in the constitution: failing to submit a list have been transformed to become failing to submit an acceptable list.

Who decides what is an acceptable list? Constitutions do not give presidents powers to act subjectively and arbitrarily.

Notwithstanding a High Court ruling on this matter commanding President Granger to provide reasons for his rejections, he chose not to comply. All of this telegraphs to the Guyanese nation and to the world that President Granger had all along intended to act unilaterally. This is precisely what exacerbates deep-seated fears about another fraudulent election.

Guyana is a small and developing country with weak institutions. We absolutely depend on voices of the ABC countries to speak out on bad governance, corruption and fraudulent elections.

Today we make a personal appeal to representatives of the ABC and EU countries in Guyana to stay involved and lend your voices to help this struggling Guyanese nation to achieve a semblance of decency in matters of governance.

Thank you High Commissioner Greg Quinn.


Yours faithfully,

Mike Persaud

World Union of Guyanese for

Democracy (New York)