Senior citizens deserve more respect than the authorities are currently extending

Dear Editor,

I cannot agree more with the views expressed in your editorial of December 7, 2017 regarding the plight of our pensioners at post offices throughout the country.

It is pathetic to see the suffering and humiliation experienced by our senior citizens, some in their eighties, as they wait patiently to collect their old age pensions. Many of them simply cannot wait a day longer to collect their pension and therfore have no choice but to endure the humiliation and stress.

It is a shame that in this age of digital money and automated money transfers our elderly citizens have to endure suffering in obtaining their pensions. Surely, better can be done. Our senior citizens deserve much more respect and dignity than is currently extended to them by the authorities.

As the saying goes, a nation is judged on how they treat with children and the elderly. The administration is not scoring high, especially on how it is treating our pensioners.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally