The skinny on food myths

Sweet potatoes and steak
Sweet potatoes and steak

Last week’s column debunked the myth of spot reduction in problem areas. This week, I will continue to address some of the most common myths to help educate and improve your nutrition choices and practices. 


  1. You can cook the protein out of your meals

It may sound illogical, but many are led to believe that cooking meat can change its overall biological value. Thankfully this is not at all true. A well-done steak still maintains the same protein value as a steak cooked medium rare. It’s purely up to preference.

At the end of it all, the body will take in amino acids from the protein regardless of whether it is cooked. Don’t be fooled by this myth, grill that steak.


  1. Get protein into you and quick!

There seems to be a constant fear of missing the famed ‘anabolic window’ for many in the gym. For years, the belief has been that around 30 minutes after working out, the body is primed to accept nutrients such as protein, supposedly leading to greater muscle recovery and repair.

The more research that is undertaken on this topic, the more people are beginning to realise that this window can last hours after a workout. If you’re paranoid about protein intake, for once it may actually be quantity over quality. Focus more on your protein intake throughout the day than when you’re taking it.


  1. Egg yolks will tinker with your ticker

It is safe to say that the humble egg has come under major scrutiny throughout the course of time. Many argue that excessive consumption of whole eggs is directly responsible for high cholesterol and increased chance of heart disease.

The problem with some studies is that they are observational and cannot provide definitive evidence to show the correlation between the claims they are making. Sure, egg whites are fantastic as they are, but you’re doing yourself a disservice by skipping the nutritional goodness of a whole egg. One egg, inclusive of the yolk, contains seven grammes of protein, not to mention, they taste awesome. Poach them or make an omelette; it’s quick, easy, and delicious.


  1. Late night carbs are a killer

This is definitely plausible at face value. Unless you’re unable to attend the gym during the day, chances are your level of activity during the later hours are considerably lower. That’s fair enough, but don’t be too quick to assume.

If you worked out earlier in the day, then your metabolic rate has been significantly increased. What does this mean? If you’ve still got some leftover calories for the day in the tank, having a snack is not at all detrimental to your waistline. However, moderation is key.


  1. Eat fats, get fat

This one confuses countless gym goers. You’d be forgiven for thinking this considering they are the same word. The truth is though, good fats can enhance and even assist your results in the gym. The trick is selecting and prioritising the right fats.

If you’re constantly consuming foods dripping in oil and packed with fat such as fast food, pizza or glazed doughnuts, which are not the greatest for you at all, then yes, you’re shopping in the ‘get fat’ aisle.

However, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in food such as fish, nuts and avocado should be placed ahead of these foods. Some studies find them to be more beneficial to weight loss. Remember, too much fat doesn’t necessarily make you fat, too many calories and not enough exercise do.