I still believe in a West Indian nation

My heart has grown heavy and heavier yet in recent times, as I have contemplated what seems to be the fading of the dream of West Indian unity. I hope against hope that though the dream may be fading the underpinnings remain strong, awaiting only a fresh generation of leaders endowed with the power of a renewed vision.

To assist me in this hope I would love to see a list and analysis of the Caricom-wide institutions and productive regional organisations which without fanfare function day in and day out to the benefit of us all and without which our lives would be different and worse. I cannot believe that if Caricom and all that is has built were to be dismantled tomorrow we would not be very substantially damaged in our respective nations’ well-being and in our daily lives.

I took another look at the Report of the West Indian Commission, Time For Action, which came out in 1992. Working as editorial consultant with the Commission was one of the most exciting and stimulating times of my life and I will always remember that time and the enthusiasm for a West Indian future which filled so many hearts.