Dominic Gaskin

GUYEXPO’s protracted reign as the standard bearer for expanding exports and attracting investments into Guyana could come to an end later this year with the staging of the first offering of a new initiative, the Guyana Trade and Investment Exhibition (GUYTIE) from September 19-22.

 The announcement on Wednesday at a launch event that the Government of Guyana is being backed by the European Union-funded regional business promotion entity, Caribbean Export and by the local private sector in seeking to launch an initiative to replace a largely failed attempt in GUYEXPO to accelerate the country’s exports will cast the spotlight on the Ministry of Business. 

Public discourse as to whether GUYEXPO fitted the bill as the forum that could deliver the environment in which effective export facilitation could thrive has persisted for years and at Wednesday’s launch of GUYTIE at the Marriott Hotel, Business Minister Dominic Gaskin dropped a broad hint that government was not waiting around any longer to find out.