A medium for change

The MARCH (Modeling and Reinforcement to Combat HIV/AIDS) project was initiated in Guyana in 2006 to specialise in Behaviour Change Communication. Interventions with the aim of inspiring behavioural change are imperative. Many social issues demand such interventions. In many instances, the issues exist because people are ignorant or ill-informed. Many Guyanese have a disinclination to access services and would rather let their issues escalate to the point of crisis, resulting in much of what we are witnessing with murders, suicides and abuse. 

It is not, however, a situation of sheer hopelessness. Government has some measures in place and will presumably continue to work to create improved and additional services with competent personnel. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have been significant in helping to alleviate many of our issues. Merundoi Incorporated is one such organisation.

Upon the project’s establishment, it was supported by the US PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief). Merundoi, which was chosen as the name, is an Akawaio word which means hope, strength, stamina and energy. In November of 2007, the project was registered as an NGO.