Relatives of dead Corentyne cyclist seek justice

Vedenand Hardeo Rupa

The relatives of the Corentyne cyclist, who died on the spot after he was struck on the Number 71 Corentyne Public Road, two Sundays ago, are pleading with investigators to ensure justice is served, after becoming aware that the driver of the car was recently released on station bail.

Vedenand Hardeo Rupa, also known as “Davo” or “Suga”, 53, former labourer at the Skeldon Estate and a mechanic of Lot 44, Number 69 Village, Corentyne was returning home from work on his bicycle around 7:00 pm two Sundays ago, when he was struck by motor car HC 6790, which was allegedly travelling at a fast rate heading to New Amsterdam from Corriverton.

According to information gathered, the cyclist was struck from the rear, following which he landed on the windscreen of the car and then fell on to the road. Hardeo was picked up and rushed to the Skeldon Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.