Neighbouring resident complains over city hospital’s haphazard waste disposal

A dumpster overflowing with bags of medical waste in the hospital’s compound. Blood can be seen leaking along the ground.

A Carmichael Street, Georgetown resident has voiced concerns over the disposal of medical waste by the Woodlands Hospital, which he believes has made his family sick.

A chain of emails detailing complaints made by V Persaud, who lives next to the hospital, shows that the situation was reported to the Ministry of Public Health since last month.

Bags of medical waste are visible over a fence

Persaud was subsequently told that the issue was taken to the Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence and the Environmental Department of the ministry.

However, after a month elapsed and no changes were made to the situation, the resident sent several follow-up emails. One, dated July 23rd, questioned whether anyone was looking into the matter.

Used syringes and broken vials on the ground

“My son and daughter are both sick with vomiting and diarrhoea and yet you guys who are supposed to be looking after us, the public,” the resident said.

He later explained that he is convinced his children are sick as a result of the transference of germs being spread by the flies, rats and cats, which are eating this waste and then going about their business in his yard.

Persaud also included photographs of an overflowing bin with piles of garbage bags and blooding leaking to the ground. Another photo showed used syringes and broken vials on the ground.

However, on the same day, Director (ag) of the Environmental Unit of the Ministry of Public Health Stacey Alves responded. “Please note that your matter is being looked into seriously by the

Ministry of Public Health and the Environmental Protection Agency. Efforts are being made to alleviate this serious health situation,” she wrote.

Stabroek News tried to contact the hospital yesterday for a comment but was told that the persons authorised to speak on the matter were not in and would not be available until today.

Efforts to garner additional information from the ministry also proved futile.