Kitchen fire leads to Pegasus evacuation – alarms did not go off, some exits were padlocked

Guests evacuating the smoke-filled hotel last night.

Guests and patrons of the Pegasus Hotel last night rushed to help each other evacuate  after a kitchen fire saw smoke filling rooms as high as the sixth floor and they lamented that there were no emergency fire alarms or systems in place for safe exits.

“I was on the second floor when smoke just began filling my room. I said to myself that this was a fire and knowing my kids and my mother-in law were on the 4th floor I rushed up to get them. No alarm went off and when I rushed to the emergency exit a large chain and padlock was on the door,” a pastor based in Queens and Brooklyn, New York related to Stabroek News.

“I brought my family here to have the Guyana experience but this is a disaster. What kind of hotel would have chains on a fire exit? What hotel would not have fire alarms or smoke detectors in the rooms? The authorities need to investigate and see what building codes are in effect. They need to do