Vanishing act: Voluntary groups disappear from race for city council

Current Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green leading the APNU contingent yesterday (Photo by Terrence Thompson)

Voluntary groups have disappeared from the contest for seats on the Georgetown City Council but a few independent candidates continue to see local government as an opportunity to serve their community.

The 2016 Local Government Elections (LGE) saw five Voluntary Groups throwing their hats in the ring for seats on the city council but these groups have all disappeared and on Nomination Day yesterday, only political parties showed up to present lists of candidates for the November 12th elections.

The larger showings of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) in the city were complemented by a small showing from the Alliance for Change (AFC) and parties such as the United Republican Party (URP) and the GNS party.