T&T cops hunt female suspect in archbishop’s murder

Al­isa Ali
Al­isa Ali

(Trinidad Guardian) As the in­ves­ti­ga­tions deep­en in­to the mur­der of Arch­bish­op Al­isa Ali, po­lice of­fi­cers have re­ceived crit­i­cal in­for­ma­tion that sug­gests there is a sec­ond sus­pect in the case—a woman.

It is be­lieved the woman, who was said to be in the house at the time Ali was bru­tal­ly stabbed to death, fled the scene af­ter the at­tack. Po­lice al­so be­lieve the woman may have since fled to To­ba­go where she is be­lieved to be in hid­ing. Po­lice al­so have in­for­ma­tion on an­oth­er woman from the Bras­so area who was said to be “close­ly con­nect­ed to the sus­pect in cus­tody.”

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice sources, the sus­pect, who is a bish­op and a fa­ther of 13, has ex­pressed re­morse since his ar­rest on Sun­day night. He has re­port­ed­ly asked Ali’s fam­i­ly and mem­bers of her Spir­i­tu­al Bap­tist Church—St Michael’s Di­vine Heal­ing Taber­na­cle—for for­give­ness.

How­ev­er, speak­ing with the T&T Guardian yes­ter­day, Ali’s daugh­ter, Kerdeisha, 25, called on the po­lice to speed up their in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the mat­ter.

“I want jus­tice for my moth­er be­cause she de­serves jus­tice and please for­give me but I can­not for­give him. That man was a wicked man, not on­ly to my moth­er but to me and my sis­ter,” Kerdeisha said.

She said her moth­er met the sus­pect 13 years ago at a birth­day lime with some friends, be­friend­ed him and got mar­ried to him on­ly four years ago.

“It is un­fair for my moth­er to take this man and his 13 chil­dren from off the streets and bring him in­to her home, church and life for this man to come and kill my moth­er…my moth­er went through a lot,” she said.

She claimed her moth­er was a vic­tim of con­stant abuse and four months ago suf­fered a ner­vous break­down and had to seek med­ical treat­ment at a pri­vate in­sti­tu­tion.

A mem­ber of the church, who wished not to be named, claimed the mem­ber­ship on­ly knew of Ali’s abuse in the lat­ter part of her life.

“We nev­er knew be­fore be­cause she was al­ways this jol­ly per­son and this per­son who would have gone to the end of this world to help peo­ple in need. She had a heart of gold and a heart af­ter God,” the mem­ber said.

“It was on­ly when the Arch­bish­op had a ner­vous break­down, then we got to know what was hap­pen­ing to her. We were an­gry and sad at the same time be­cause Arch­bish­op did not de­serve this. Now…God’s judg­ment will fall on that man for tak­ing her away from us.”

Ali’s 10-year-old grand­daugh­ter, who wit­nessed the in­ci­dent, was said to be still se­vere­ly trau­ma­tised and has not been sleep­ing, eat­ing, drink­ing or talk­ing since the in­ci­dent.

An au­top­sy per­formed on Ali’s body yes­ter­day at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre re­vealed she died from mul­ti­ple stab wounds. The two most se­vere wounds were to her throat and face, through the nose, the wound in which the knife re­mained lodged when po­lice ar­rived at her home on Sat­ur­day night.

Po­lice said just af­ter 7 pm, Ali was con­front­ed while in the bed­room of her home at La­m­ont Street, Long­denville, Ch­agua­nas and stabbed mul­ti­ple times in full view of her grand­daugh­ter. The sus­pect fled the scene via a wait­ing car. He was ar­rest­ed hours lat­er at the home of a friend in San­gre Grande.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.