More rains bring flooding, landslides to West Trinidad

A vehicle makes its way around a landslide along the Western Main Road in Carenage this evening.

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) Af­ter­noon rains in West Trinidad brought land­slides in Care­nage and flood­ing in Diego Mar­tin and Mar­aval.

Diego Mar­tin Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion chair­man Su­san Hong con­firmed that the cor­po­ra­tion’s dis­as­ter man­age­ment unit was called out to ac­tion af­ter the rains this af­ter­noon.

She told the T&T Guardian that a wall fell at Hill­crest Dri­ve, Pe­tit Val­ley and nu­mer­ous land slip­pages were re­port­ed in Mar­aval and Pe­tit Val­ley. The most sig­nif­i­cant land slip­page oc­curred along the West­ern Main Road in Care­nage, where the de­bris blocked the ma­jor­i­ty of the road­way.

Damage done to the roadway at Haleland Park by flood waters earlier today.

While Hong was thank­ful that the flood wa­ters in ar­eas such as Per­se­ver­ance, Hale­land Park, St Lu­cien Road and Di­a­mond Vale ran off quick­ly, the nu­mer­ous re­ports of land­slips were wor­ry­ing.

“To­mor­row we will be able to make a prop­er as­sess­ment of all the homes af­fect­ed,” Hong said.

She said while there sev­er­al re­ports of flood­ing there were on­ly re­ports of wa­ter en­ter­ing the homes of res­i­dents along St Lu­cien Road.

“St Lu­cien Road had a lot of wa­ter but we are glad that it ran off quick­ly,” she said.

In Mar­aval, Diego Mar­tin North East MP Colm Im­bert vis­it­ed sev­er­al ar­eas along the Mar­aval Riv­er which had been af­fect­ed by flash flood­ing.

Guardian Me­dia caught up the MP at La Sei­va, Mar­aval, but he de­clined to speak on the ex­tent of dam­age in the area, not­ing he was in the process of mak­ing as­sess­ments of the sit­u­a­tion.