Trinidad: Labourer picked up on firearm possession charge

Karl Richard­son, 29

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) A Princes Town man is due to ap­pear be­fore a Siparia Mag­is­trate to­day, charged with the pos­ses­sion of a firearm af­ter be­ing ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers of the South West­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force (SWDTF) dur­ing an an­ti-crime ex­er­cise in Pe­nal yes­ter­day.

Karl Richard­son, 29, a labour­er of Bor­de Narve Vil­lage, Princes Town, was ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers around 5:30 pm on Tues­day.

Dur­ing the ex­er­cise, of­fi­cers had cause to stop and search a gold Ti­i­da mo­tor ve­hi­cle with a lone oc­cu­pant at Gopie Trace, Pe­nal.

The search re­sult­ed in a knap­sack con­tain­ing a pis­tol and an emp­ty mag­a­zine be­ing dis­cov­ered on the back seat of the ve­hi­cle.

Richard­son was sub­se­quent­ly charged for the of­fence by Cpl (Ag.) Den­ver Marsh of the SWDTF on Tues­day.

The ex­er­cise was co­or­di­nat­ed by Snr. Supt. Neville Adams, Supt. De­onar­ine Bas­deo and ASP (Ag.) Wayne Ab­bott, con­duct­ed by Sgts. Shel­don Ablacks­ingh and Fa­reed Khan and in­clud­ed of­fi­cers of the Pe­nal Crim­i­nal In­ves­ti­ga­tions De­part­ment.