Trinidad: Judiciary clerk killed in hit-and-run accident

Kizzie Hicks
Kizzie Hicks

(Trinidad Guardian) Mo­ments af­ter leav­ing an event meant to cel­e­brate new life, a 25-year-old clerk of the ju­di­cia­ry was fa­tal­ly struck by a car in a hit-and-run ac­ci­dent.

Kizzie Hicks, of Biche, died at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ence Com­plex at about 5 am, leav­ing her friends and fam­i­ly sad­dened by the fun-lov­ing woman’s pass­ing.

Hicks had left a ba­by show­er on Tumpuna Road on Sun­day, short­ly af­ter mid­night, when she was hit by a car.

Al­though the car’s wind­screen was very vis­i­bly dam­aged in the ac­ci­dent, the dri­ver failed to stop af­ter hit­ting Hicks.

Wit­ness­es of the in­ci­dent rushed to her aid and called an am­bu­lance to the scene.

She was tak­en to the Ari­ma Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal then to Mount Hope Hos­pi­tal where they kept her in the In­ten­sive Care Unit.

Her in­juries, how­ev­er, were too much.

Both of Hick’s feet, her left arm, as well as four of her ribs, were bro­ken. She had suf­fered sev­er­al in­ter­nal in­juries and flu­id had ac­cu­mu­lat­ed in her lungs.

Po­lice said the dri­ver even­tu­al­ly showed up to the Arou­ca Po­lice Sta­tion to re­port the ac­ci­dent and was trans­ferred to the Ari­ma Po­lice Sta­tion.

How­ev­er, he was al­lowed to leave the sta­tion af­ter ini­tial in­quiries. It is un­clear if he will face charges in re­la­tion to the in­ci­dent.