More than 100 Trinidad citizens left to join ISIS

Trindadian Isis fighters taken from the militant group’s Dabiq magazibe.
Trindadian Isis fighters taken from the militant group’s Dabiq magazibe.

(Trinidad Guardian) It is es­ti­mat­ed that more 100 T&T cit­i­zens have left this coun­try to join Is­lam­ic State, in­clud­ing about 70 men who were joined by dozens of chil­dren and women.

In 2017, South­ern Com­mand’s Ad­mi­ral Kurt Tidd said: “Some of the in­di­vid­u­als who left Trinidad-To­ba­go” have shown up “on film en­gaged in ter­ror­ist acts” and have com­mit­ted mur­ders in Syr­ia. Even the New York Times couldn’t ig­nore the de­vel­op­ing threat from T&T’s ji­hadists, post­ing a sto­ry in 2017 cit­ing Amer­i­can of­fi­cials who fear “that Trinida­di­an fight­ers could re­turn from the Mid­dle East and at­tack Amer­i­can diplo­mat­ic and oil in­stal­la­tions in Trinidad, or even take a three-and-a-half hour flight to Mi­a­mi.”

The US Trea­sury De­part­ment has list­ed two cit­i­zens of T&T on its ter­ror­ism sanc­tions list, mak­ing it il­le­gal for any­one or any en­ti­ty to en­gage in trans­ac­tions with them. The are Em­raan Ali, 51, who was dual T&T-US cit­i­zen­ship and Ed­die Ale­ong, 38, who they are ac­cuse of work­ing to­geth­er to raise and send cash to Trinida­di­an ISIS fight­ers in the con­flict zone.

In 2015, Ali lived for a time at an ISIS guest house in Raqqah, Syr­ia. Ale­ong is sus­pect­ed of fa­cil­i­tat­ing mon­ey trans­fers to ISIS as re­cent­ly as March of this.

Ali is mar­ried the daugh­ter of Imam Naz­im Mo­hammed, head of the of the Masjid Umar Ibn Khat­tab Ja­maat, Rio Claro,

In an in­ter­view with the T&T Guardian some time ago, Imam Mo­hammed said: “I don’t get no in­for­ma­tion on them; I don’t know where they are.”

In March 2017, Trinida­di­an Shane Craw­ford was added to a list of ‘Spe­cial­ly Des­ig­nat­ed Glob­al Ter­ror­ists’ (SDGT), by the US State De­part­ment at the end of March. A day lat­er, this coun­try al­so des­ig­nat­ed him a ter­ror­ist.

His moth­er, Joan Craw­ford, said he was hit by a US drone strike in Oc­to­ber 2016 and even­tu­al­ly died.

Craw­ford left for Syr­ia in 2013 and was be­lieved to be among the first of the more than 100 na­tion­als that joined the self-pro­claimed Mid­dle East­ern caliphate.