Expertise needed with Carnival event planning

Dear Editor,

Is that it Hits and Jams?…That’s the million-dollar question I asked just after the revellers and music bands passed by during the just concluded Carnival event. Heading towards Kitty my first expectation was to hear the loud sound of music from a distance, but unfortunately it was not so. That, to me was the first negative signal. Upon arrival, it was my disappointment to witness a small number of revellers, marshalls and some onlookers gathered around waiting for the event to get kick-started. Nevertheless, I ventured off to have photos taken and the reception received from the revellers was warm and co-operative.

I was blown away to witness a Jamaican national carrying her flag in the mix of everything. I must add that this particular reveller was well spoken and she knew how to work the lens of the camera while striking her vogue poses.

I subsequently departed that venue because of an emergency phone call and relocated to  another. I thought perhaps it would give everyone time to get fully organised and more revellers would arrive so the event could get started. I was wrong  because it was actually the same faces of persons I took photos of earlier. They were all bunched together behind the Pulse music band and the others behind the second music band. Of course I know what road and party entertainment is, but my expectation was that each of the individual costume bands which I believe numbered five in total from advertisements would have been separated and behind a different music band. It was not so.

I understand Machel Montano was in town and had a show at the Providence Stadium the night before and I left wondering why didn’t the organisers persuade him to join in the road parade and belt out some of his hit tunes? Perhaps Machel Montano doesn’t come that cheap and it was way beyond the organisers’ budget to contract him for the day’s event.

As for the local performers such as Jumo, Brandon Harding, Big Red, Vanilla, Kwesi Ace etc., why weren’t they contracted for the day parade to join in with their respective entertainment?

So, Jumo was a no show at Mashramani and Carnival 2018 and I always expected him to be at either of the two events to belt out his current hit tune ‘Harder’ for the local market.

Absent were government agencies and Corporate Guyana. What happened there?….The thoughts came to mind.

Perhaps the Government of the day will never have its agencies participate because in doing so, it will overshadow the Mashramani event which they cannot afford to risk. Perhaps with the current economic situation, Corporate Guyana stayed away and some might consider joining in the Carnival 2019.That is if it materialises.

Hits and Jams, you need to return to the blackboard and contract some expertise with Carnival event planning. I am referring only to the road parade aspect and not all other events. Again, not sure if it will materialise for 2019.

Take it or leave it…

It will be wiser that you return to merging with the Government of the day with your participation during the  annual Mashramani celebrations as the entertainment section which you have done in the past. In doing so, you can still hold on to being the showstoppers. No Government of the day will ever allow any other event to overshadow the national event of Mashramani.

Yours faithfully,

T. Pemberton