Evergreen Nature Study Club is 21

Dear Editor,

The Evergreen Nature Study Club was established in September 1997, Georgetown, and soon taken to Secondary and Primary Schools in other parts of the country with the aim of awakening the curiosity of the human mind emphasizing on natural science, geography, research techniques and tourism habits. To date, there are Club Representatives in every Administrative Region of the country –  the last being Region 8, Mahdia in 2003. 

Besides practical outreach projects, a number of booklets have been produced by the Club and most importantly, this year the Club has embarked on a  Project entitled: School Environment Enhancement (SEE) for secondary schools in regions 5, 4 (and Georgetown District) and 3 namely, Bygeval, Soesdyke, North Georgetown and Parika-Salem Secondary Schools, respectively, as   starters. The project-is expected to evolve into a lasting programme with satisfactory effects on local cultural habits. The objective is to encourage students towards greater participatory activities in sound agricultural/environmental science methods such as separation of bio-degradable/non- bio-degradable waste, composting and school yard aesthetics in Guyana’s schools as we strive towards a green economy. Other schools are encouraged to adopt similar practices.

Education can be exciting. Every student knows that outdoors is fun and only copying notes in class is boring.

Congratulations to all our representatives and students in every Region of Guyana on the occasion of the Club’s Twenty-First Anniversary.

Yours faithfully,

Fitz H. Ogle


Evergreen Nature Study
