Slow and dead slow

Dear Editor,

Not me alone is troubled and concerned by the poor and slow quality of internet service provided by Guyana  Telephone and Telegraph (GTT)  but   maybe also several thousands of other customers who are paying punctually every month for this poor service.

Some days Editor, the quality is so poor that a cockroach crawling over a thick spread of molasses moves faster than it, in speed.

Two speeds of the internet we have here are i.e. slow and dead slow!

I do pay punctually and handsomely  for this poor service!

Every day we are having disruption of service or poor quality of service. Could somebody i,e.. with power whisper quietly in the ears of  GTT that it must provide to its customers good and regular uninterrupted internet service that it is paid for?

Yours faithfully,

Rooplall Dudhnath
