These men have taken a major step forward

Dear Editor,

It is party time. No, not Christmas time. Or PNC or PPP or AFC time. It is the time of Ralph Ramkarran, Henry Jeffrey, Timothy Jonas, Terrence Campbell, and Lennox Shuman, among others. I wonder if that troubling Chinese saying, may you live in interesting times apply. Let’s see.

Other than Mr. Ramkarran, I have not had the opportunity of acquaintanceship with any of the rest of reasonable gentlemen. As an aside, I must share that I have had the courtesy of meeting Mr. Jonas’ spouse on one occasion. These men have raised their hands and taken a major step forward. That can only be applauded. The question is now this: will the Guyanese electorate step forward? Here is another question: will the Guyanese people walk in lockstep with these new developments? And one more: will the citizens of this country trust to commit?

Clearly, we are good talkers. And writers, too. Endlessly so. We pontificate gloriously to our heart’s content and personal satisfaction. And then what? Will it be more of the same old, tired, distressing story? It has been a disgusting one, too, hasn’t it? We can address any and every question. And yet we have no answers. Perhaps the core of the matter is that we have no truth, no honesty, no dignity. When we elevate and esteem a certain calibre of leader, what does this say of this nation?

Emotions and passions stir. Thinking fades. I would like to think that we are going to go someplace. Somehow. Sometime. Will we? Can we? Do we really want to?

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall