Plain-crowned Spinetail

Plain-crowned Spinetail (Synallaxis gujanensis) along the road in Rockstone Village, Guyana
(Photo by Kester Clarke/www.
Plain-crowned Spinetail (Synallaxis gujanensis) along the road in Rockstone Village, Guyana (Photo by Kester Clarke/www.

The Plain-crowned Spinetail (Synallaxis gujanensis)is found in the Guianas and much of Amazonia.

It is brown above with a pale buff superciliary, rufous wings and tail, and white underparts with tan-buff flanks. Plain-crowned Spinetail is difficult to see due to its skulking nature, and is best detected by listening to its sharp, two-part call given as a contact call between members of pairs.

It diet consists of spiders, crustaceans, grasshoppers, locusts and larvae of butterflies and moths. It forages food from small branches, foliage and grass.