Effective ways to kick bad eating habits to the curb (Part 2)    

In the last week’s column, I wrote about some effective ways to kick bad eating habits to the curb while stating some strategies that can be utilized to help with changing habit. As promised, here are some more strategies that you can successfully employ to change your eating habits.  

Try using smaller plates

Using smaller plates is a great technique to trick your mind into thinking that you have that nice full plate to which you are accustomed. This is one way to win the battle psychologically.  

Only eat until you feel about 80% full 

You may have heard that it can take up to 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are satisfied. However, if you are still eating by that time more likely than not you would have overeaten. Therefore, if you stop when you are 80% full, by the time your brain registers that you are content, you will be satisfied and not have over consumed. 

Always have protein and vegetables 

Protein is utilized in every single cell in the body, so it is therefore vital for health. It also keeps you feeling full for longer and boosts metabolism. Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that assist with essential functions within the body, plus most are relatively low in calories. Consuming a larger amount of vegetables is generally not detrimental to those who are trying to lose weight. Eating protein and vegetables at every meal means that you are providing your body with great nutrition and boosting your metabolism. 

Have carbohydrates after exercise

Carbohydrates are best tolerated and absorbed after exercise so this is the best time to consume them particularly if your goal is weight loss. However different people can tolerate carbohydrates at various times based on their physiological makeup. If having carbohydrates outside of post exercise, ensure that they are wholegrain cereals and fruit in its natural state. It is best to avoid all overly processed forms of carbohydrates such as white breads, white rice, biscuits, cakes, lollipops, concentrated juices and so on.  

Eat healthy fats daily

Fat is an essential nutrient that is required by the body. It is important to consume fat daily, but the healthy sort. Some examples of healthy fats are olive oil, coconut oil and other nut oils, avocado, fatty fish and whole eggs. These can assist with healthy daily functions of the body. 

Drink plenty of water throughout the day 

Water is extremely vital to health. Not drinking enough of it can have detrimental impacts on health. The general recommended intake of water for adults is 8 glasses per day, but more is necessary if you are exercising or in hot conditions. Drinking water can also make you feel full so there is less likelihood of you overeating. Sometimes when we feel hungry it is actually the body letting us know it needs hydration. It is recommended therefore that you reach for a glass of water when that hunger pang strikes, rather than a snack. Once you would have quenched your thirst you may no longer want or need the snack, or you may have less of it.