
Trees are universally recognized as a symbol of life, prosperity and strength. A tree is a permanent plant with a single trunk or stem covered with leaves and branches.

Trees grow to a considerable height and would usually develop branches and open up like a canopy. Trees are basically medium or large in height.

In the Caribbean, trees dominate the landscape on the islands and in Guyana, where they line the streets and avenues, they provide shelter from the blazing sun.

Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and purify the air we breathe in. They also stop soil erosion. So, it is important to plant and cherish our trees. Generations to come will thank you.

Some trees of the Caribbean are the Flamboyant, Poui, Frangipani, Cordia and Coral.

Now that you know the definition of a vine, shrub and tree and the difference between them, I trust that you will refer to them correctly.

Until next week, Happy Gardening.