Domestic violence attacks: To intervene or not to intervene?

Some time ago I was seated in my parked car on Camp Street with my two sons when I overheard a ruckus. The car window was down and as I looked a young man on a bicycle rode up to a group of youths walking along the avenue and accosted a young woman among them. Scrambling at her neck, he shouted ‘Girl wah I tell you about walking hay?’

As the words came out of his mouth he made an attempt as if to punch her, while holding her neck in a sort of chokehold. I immediately sprang into action, jumping out of the car, hollering at him (I can’t remember what I said), I rushed towards them. Blinded by what I was seeing, I did not even remember that there were others around. But as I moved towards them he let her go and burst into peals of laughter. The young woman I was rushing to help joined in as well as the others in the groups.

As the young man laughed he said something to the effect of, ‘Catch another one’. I returned to my car, my heart racing and as it subsided I became increasingly angry. I could not comprehend what I had just witnessed and why those grown teenagers, some may have been older, would want to pull a prank like that considering the frequency with which women are attacked, maimed and killed in our country.