Not an easy road for mother of four twice stricken with cancer

“It is just hard for me to see myself like this and the New Year is coming, and things are not getting better. I am just hoping that the doctors can do something, and I get the surgery. I thank God that I am still alive but just lying on my bed in pain day and night sometimes is too much,” she said.

I could hear her laboured breathing through the telephone line. It was obvious that she was in a lot of pain. Each sentence came with some amount of effort and I felt guilty talking to her but when I tried to end the conversation, she insisted that she wanted to talk.

She has been a breast cancer survivor for the past eight years but earlier this year it was discovered that she had cancer of the spine. It has been a downward spiral ever since but the worst of it all is being unable to take care of herself and having to depend on her children. She is 51 and has been almost helpless since October last.