Benefits of bodyweight exercises

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Using the same weights or machines can become monotonous and boring. That’s why it’s beneficial to switch up your exercise regime and incorporate some bodyweight exercises. These are exercises in which you use your own weight to provide resistance against gravity.

Work efficiently

There’s a reason that so much emphasis is placed on methods such as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT); it works! In a fast-paced environment, efficiency is a key factor. Without equipment, bodyweight exercises allow you to transition between exercises with less rest required.

Tailor it to your needs

Even for the most seasoned of trainers, bodyweight exercises are fantastic if you’re looking to add variety to your workout. Increased reps or the inclusion of ballistic movement (such as a clap in a push-up) can all add value to your bodyweight workout, while engaging more muscle groups.

Solid core work

This is particularly helpful to those reluctant to partake in lifting. Strengthening of your core is more than just gaining a six-pack. It also means greater balance, posture, as well as relieving lower back stress and enhancing your lifting form. Your core is such an important section of the body, it is very much worth your time training it.

Everyday use

Bodyweight exercises assist more than just bodybuilders. These workouts can also be useful in the sporting arena! Plyometrics, for example, will greatly assist in sports that require explosive movement, such as football, basketball and soccer.

Injury prevention

The main goal of bodyweight exercises is to strengthen many muscle groups at a time, but their potential goes far further. Bodyweight exercises are an effective form of rehabilitation while recovering from tears or pulls and have even been administered on hospital patients with significant muscular impairments!

Effective fat burner

As aforementioned, bodyweight exercises, specifically incorporating HIIT, will allow you to capitalize on their power. Using these workouts can have a massive impact on your metabolic rate and will extend the fat burning process even after your workout has finished through excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC.

Body coordination

The major benefit of bodyweight exercises is that they teach your body to work as one synergistic unit – everything works together to achieve the outcome (eg a push-up). This allows you to work your full body at the same time, decreasing the need for isolation exercises and improving coordination.

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