Scotiabank among world’s best workplaces

Scotiabank Ltd has been named by an organization known as The Great Place to Work Institute among the top 25 list in the 2019 World’s Best Work­places by the Great Place to Work Institute, the Trinidad Guardian reported yesterday. The bank reportedly moved into 20th position, rising five places from its 2018 ranking.

Scotia qual­i­fied as a re­sult of its suc­cess in ap­pear­ing in Great Place to Work in Pe­ru, Cos­ta Ri­ca, Chile, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, Pana­ma, El Sal­vador, Trinidad and To­ba­go, Lon­don and Sin­ga­pore.

Sco­tia­bank al­so achieved num­ber 6 rank­ing Best Places to Work in Latin Amer­i­ca & Caribbean, though the countries in the hemisphere who voted for Scotiabank are not named.

The sur­vey ad­dress­es issues in­clud­ing Fair­ness, Com­pen­sa­tion and Ben­e­fits, Work Life bal­ance and Op­por­tu­ni­ty for Ad­vance­ment.

Stephen Bag­narol, Se­nior Vice Pres­i­dent and Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor, Sco­tia­bank Trinidad and To­ba­go said, “We are hon­ored to have been rec­og­nized as one of the Best Work­places in the World, es­pe­cial­ly in many of the coun­tries where we have a key fo­cus, in­clud­ing Trinidad and To­ba­go. Our pur­pose For Every Fu­ture means we care about all stake­hold­ers – in­clud­ing the com­mu­ni­ties in which we live and work, our cus­tomers and equal­ly as im­por­tant, our em­ploy­ees who dis­play their pas­sion and in­tegri­ty every day. Our cul­ture and the en­gage­ment of our staff are key pri­or­i­ties for us, and be­ing rec­og­nized by our em­ploy­ees as one of the Best Work­places makes us feel very proud.”

Great Place to Work (GPTW) is the glob­al au­thor­i­ty on work­place cul­ture, em­ploy­ee ex­pe­ri­ence and the lead­er­ship be­hav­iours proven to de­liv­er mar­ket-lead­ing rev­enue and in­creased in­no­va­tion.