The Christmas lie, the fake partnership

Regarding Prime Minister Prakash (HYA)

Perhaps it’s because my still-legal, real wife is distant; because my four daughters are all very, very adult and physically distant; because family presence is somewhat merely virtual, I’m no longer a “Christmas person.”

About three decades ago I recognized, reluctantly accepted that rampant commercialism had submerged the more religious, more compassionate, more spirited, innocent nature of this Christian festival. So I became more and more aloof. Even as I still embrace(d) the joyful, generous “Yuletide” nature of this year-end tradition. (And our good old Guyana the weeks-long spirit and commercial frenzy – now accommodate members of many faiths, multiple groupings and all tactical-minded politicians!)

Mankind needs some higher spiritual force – much loftier than his own mortal peers – to believe in. All religions refer to a God: some Supreme Divine Creator and Oversoul.

Now, devout faithful Christians accept that their Heavenly Father/God, made himself manifest on earth through a son born – by non-sexual Immaculate Conception by a virgin – and named Jesus. So “the word was made flesh and walked amongst us” becoming an Evangelical Christ who was put to death before he was forty.

I always argued that, Frankly Speaking, all true Christians must believe in the Virgin, the Crucifixion and Resurrection. And I have some weird “fun” pointing out (annually) the deception and welcome lie that is the December Christmas.


The Christ(mass), the Coalition

Fear not! I’ll not again remind you that there is no evidence that the Divine Baby Jesus was born on any wintry December night when shepherds watched their flocks.

You can remind yourself of the Kings who “mandated” the December celebration based on the need to win over pagans to the beginnings of Christianity. So that those heathen symbols and practices became embedded in the evolving celebrations or Mass of the Christ over the centuries.

But yet and still the December Christmas Spirit prevails. In Guyana the “season” is still the longest, all-embracing, now-national festival and celebration. Even if a yearly year-end “distraction”, many need to believe in it.

Now, I’m aware that it might be a stretch to move from Christmas to Coalition, partnership in politics. Local politics. But I’m doing it anyhow. Because elements of deception and being fake are present in both.

His Excellency would have me – a one-time older PNC man – believe that he heads some powerful political, electoral partnership. Besides his dominant PNC this “partnership” has the WPA, the NFA, the JFA and the GAP. Four (4) powerful, full-fledged political entities! Which could attract thousands of necessary votes whenever elections roll around. Ho-ho-ho. Sorry I couldn’t hear him discuss the Coalition with them.

Then there is the Coalition with the powerful mass-based AFC. Well this is not wholly fake. Agreements have been reached. It is a formal “(temporary) union for a common purpose.”

You know what all that tells me about His Excellency? Knowing that his PNC will be always dominant over the ambitious, survivalist AFC, His Excellency regards both his “partnership” and his “Coalition” as image over substance. But even if overwhelmingly commercial these days, at least Christmas still has some substance.


His Excellency aiming for 36!

My own timid, premature (?) resignation and acceptance: His Excellency’s party will win the coming elections. BAMN – By any means necessary. The “means” could span two extremes: actually securing the required votes and seats by polling legitimately much more votes than its rivals; or organising skillfully fraudulent votes before and on polling day. I anticipate a PNC/AFC victory. Y’all prove me wrong!

“Royal” Vice-President Moses’ Chronicle recently reported that His Excellency is predicting 36-seat win! What’s/Who’s to stop him? Prove me wrong would-be president Comrade Irfaan.


Enter Prime Minister Prakash

(So, will fighting for and acquiring Prime Minister status mean better service to your people? Or to yourself?)

When he, alongside VP/PM Moses, was a young Turk in the PPP, Comrade Khemraj Ramjattan was known fondly as “Prakash”. A nickname he readily liked and accepted. Then he started to describe Comrade Janet as the PPP “Czarina”. In time Cde Bharrat expelled him. Now, and soon, like His Royal Highness (according to Green House Spokesman Director-General Harmon) Nagamootoo was, Prakash is poised to become our(?)/their Prime Minister! How can they both not “worship” His Excellency? But do we deserve a Prime Minister Prakash? The jury is out.

In any other developed state and political culture, Ramjattan would have been long out of office. Resigned honourably. Or fired! Not so here. For “Coalition” sake! The man oversaw two jail breaks and devastating fires. Traffic fatalities are now frightening as recklessness defies his police efforts. Citizens are insecure daily.

Not the best orator – “Let Ashni haul his…(HY/HA)”; “If dey annoy me I will bring forward closing time to midnight instead of 2:00 am” – the Vice-President comes off as often belligerent. Nothing personal but I could only wait and experience this Prime Ministerial material.

Oh! You Nagamootoo sympathisers and fans: fear not. His Excellency is preparing a place for His Royal Highness Moses. After the 2020 Oil and Gas Jubilee inevitable victory.


Come ponder with me…

● 1)        A happy working-class Christmas 2019 – compliments of: Public servants pay increases and arrears; bonuses and box hands; workplace credit union loans,; commercial banks loans; overseas barrels/remittances; seasonal hustling and vending; sales; overseas relative – arrivals – and just plain “Christmas charity”. Long live Christmas!?

●  2)       Which new political parties are left out from the list? ANUG, FEDUP, NIP, TNM, CI, Craig Sylvester’s party, OV(?), LJP, Change Guyana.

●  3)       Oh dear! Now I am reduced to colluding with the (illegal) Caretaker Minister “Good-Life” Jordan: Please Sir, send around the circular authorising increases for us public servants – retired public servants I mean. Ho-h

’Til next week!
