Trinidad: Fisherman gunned down by man in camouflage

Samuel Sookdeo

(Trinidad Guardian) The first day of 2019 had bare­ly end­ed, but crim­i­nals had man­aged to snuff the life of an­oth­er vic­tim with the mur­der of Cou­va fish­er­man Samuel Sookdeo on Tues­day night.

Sookdeo, 31, and his friend Patrick Samuel were lim­ing at his rel­a­tives’ home along Bachan Street, Union Vil­lage when a gun­man wear­ing a black jack­et and cam­ou­flaged pants walked in­to the street.

From a dis­tance, he be­gan fir­ing at the group. They scam­pered for safe­ty be­hind a pick-up truck that was parked in the yard.

How­ev­er, Sookdeo was struck in the head and chest while Patrick was hit in the back. The gun­man then ran off. Patrick ran home and was tak­en to the Cou­va Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty by his wife but Sookdeo was dead with­in min­utes.

Rel­a­tives said they tried con­tact­ing Cou­va po­lice, but af­ter no one an­swered, they had to go to the po­lice sta­tion.

They said they had just fin­ished eat­ing din­ner when Patrick, Samuel and three oth­er cousins went in­to the yard to lime. They said it ap­pears the gun­man knew ex­act­ly where he was go­ing and from three hous­es away, be­gan shoot­ing. One of Sookdeo’s cousins was grazed by a bul­let while run­ning away.

When Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed the house yes­ter­day, gun­shot im­pres­sions could be seen on the walls and a con­crete blocks that were in the yard. Rel­a­tives said at least 20 shots were fired by the gun­man.

Sookdeo’s cousin Rakesh Sa­hadeo said he was in bed with his sev­en-year-old daugh­ter and when they shot rang out, she start­ed to scream. He im­me­di­ate­ly he picked her up and took cov­er. When he walked out­side, Sookdeo was al­ready dead.

Sa­hadeo said it was puz­zling why some­one would have want­ed him dead as there were no threats to his life and no con­flict that his fam­i­ly knew about. He said Sookdeo would al­ways be work­ing, sell­ing fish in his pick-up.

“Since Christ­mas, he has been lim­ing here com­fort­ably. He did not have any ar­gu­ment with any­one. His job is on the road so he is ac­cus­tomed to deal­ing with peo­ple. To me he was good and he used to work re­al­ly hard as a fish­er­man. He had a stepchild and he used to take care of her so he was al­ways buy­ing and sell­ing goods,” Sa­hadeo said.

On Tues­day morn­ing, Daniel Ma­habir, 55, a street dweller was found dead at Suck a Sweet­ie Old Met­al and Ma­rine Stores scrap yard in Sea Lots. His head was bashed in by a con­crete slab.