Trinidad: Rejected lover kills girlfriend’s co-worker

(Trinidad Guardian) In­fu­ri­at­ed af­ter he was dumped by his girl­friend, a San Fer­nan­do man went to her home on Fri­day night and hacked her co-work­er to death. The stab wounds in­flict­ed by the at­tack­er on Dane Lewis, 43, of Cou­va, were so se­vere that his jugu­lar vein was sev­ered.

Po­lice said the woman and Lewis worked at a club in Cou­va and fol­low­ing Fri­day’s shift went bar hop­ping. Lewis lat­er ac­com­pa­nied the woman to her La So­phie Av­enue, Clax­ton Bay home to en­sure she was safe. It was then the sus­pect went to the woman’s home and on see­ing Lewis got up­set and an ar­gu­ment broke out.

The woman con­tact­ed St Mar­garet’s po­lice and af­ter calm­ing the con­flict and the of­fi­cers ar­rived on the scene and or­dered the sus­pect to leave.

How­ev­er, at around 4.15 am the sus­pect re­turned and found Lewis asleep out­side the house. This time he got in­to an ar­gu­ment with Lewis, whom he ac­cused of be­ing with his girl­friend. Dur­ing the ar­gu­ment, the sus­pect picked up a knife and stabbed Lewis sev­er­al times in his neck. For­tu­nate­ly for the woman, the sus­pect ran off with­out at­tack­ing her.

St Mar­garet’s po­lice and of­fi­cers of the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions, Re­gion Three, re­turned to the scene. They searched the area but up to yes­ter­day the sus­pect had not been found.

The woman was in­ter­viewed and she told po­lice that she had not been with the sus­pect for long but the re­la­tion­ship grew un­healthy so she de­cid­ed to end it. She said Lewis was just a friend.

WPC Se­ri­oux is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.