Trinidad businessman wanted over cocaine bound for St Maarten

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice are cur­rent­ly hunt­ing for an Ari­ma busi­ness­man who is the reg­is­tered ex­porter of a con­tain­er found with some $9 mil­lion worth in co­caine hid­den in­side.

In a re­lease yes­ter­day the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice con­firmed that 24 pounds of co­caine bound for St Maar­ten were seized at the Port of Point Lisas last Tues­day.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, around 9 pm last Tues­day, Cus­toms of­fi­cers were scan­ning a con­tain­er at the Ex­port Di­vi­sion of the port when they picked up some­thing sus­pi­cious. The con­tain­er, which was trans­port­ed from Ma­tu­ri­ta, Ari­ma, was tak­en to the ex­am­i­na­tion sta­tion where Cus­toms of­fi­cers no­ticed what ap­peared to be co­caine hid­den in­side the con­tain­er, which was loaded with food­stuff.

Po­lice and oth­er of­fi­cials were called in and con­firmed it was co­caine.

In­ves­ti­gat­ing of­fi­cers said the con­tain­er was ad­dressed to an In­di­an busi­ness­man in St Mar­teen. How­ev­er, the con­tain­er was sent to its fi­nal des­ti­na­tion by the Ari­ma busi­ness­man. It is sus­pect­ed that the busi­ness­man is the same per­son who was set to re­ceive a con­tain­er filled with mar­i­jua­na from Ja­maica last year. He lat­er de­nied it was him and claimed no knowl­edge of the il­lic­it drugs. In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.