Taxi driver pens song for Trinidad Top Cop

Edward Ramdass

(Trinidad Guardian) A chut­ney/ca­lyp­so artiste has a mes­sage for Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith which he penned in a song ti­tled Fix It Mr Grif­fith, Fix It.

Ed­ward Ram­dass, a taxi dri­ver, who refers to him­self as the voice of Point Fortin, was in­spired to write the song based on the over­whelm­ing sup­port and con­fi­dence for Grif­fith of­ten ex­pressed by his pas­sen­gers.

In an in­ter­view with T&T Guardian, Ram­dass who plys his taxi in Point Fortin and en­vi­rons, as well as the Point Fortin to San Fer­nan­do, routes said: “Dri­ving the taxi on the road deal­ing with the pub­lic every day and hear­ing the peo­ple con­cern about not hav­ing a com­mis­sion­er for so long and now we have a com­mis­sion­er. We are show­ing him that the pub­lic is be­hind him. And Mr Gary Grif­fith will fix it and he done start al­ready.”

Ram­dass, who is con­cerned about the spate of mur­ders and vi­o­lence in the coun­try, said on­ly the peo­ple could bring back love in so­ci­ety.

“Put aside your ha­tred and jeal­ousy and be on the side of the poor, the hun­gry and needy. So, Mr Grif­fith, we know you can fix it and we sup­port you as the gen­er­al pub­lic.”

How­ev­er, he said Grif­fith could on­ly win the war against the crim­i­nals with the help of the gen­er­al pub­lic.

The song was pro­duced by his son Shi­va Ram­dass. Ram­dass, who has been singing over 25 years, has been a fi­nal­ist in the Chut­ney So­ca Monarch 11 times.

He came close to win­ning the ti­tle in 1999 when he placed sec­ond. How­ev­er, he did not make the fi­nals with Fix It, Mr Grif­fith.

It, how­ev­er, earned him a spot in the fi­nals of the Young Kings com­pe­ti­tion held on Tues­day night.

Ram­dass per­formed at the Chut­ney So­ca fi­nals last week­end.

He com­plained, how­ev­er, that some ra­dio sta­tions had not been play­ing his song.

“My mis­sion is to take up through my songs the love which the politi­cians and peo­ple who have mon­ey in this coun­try throw away in the rub­bish,” he said Ram­dass said he had been get­ting pos­i­tive feed­back about his song which has al­ready been heard by the com­mis­sion­er.