Trinidad: Soca dancing family goes viral

Jamie and
Nikisha Parker
Jamie and Nikisha Parker

(Trinidad Guardian) A T&T-born woman and her British hus­band are mak­ing waves on so­cial me­dia as a video of them danc­ing to Kees Di­ef­fen­thaller’s So­ca hit Sa­van­nah Grass has now been viewed more than two mil­lion times.

On Feb­ru­ary 9, Jamie Lau­rence Park­er up­loaded a video of his wife Nik­isha Wat­son-Park­er win­ing to Sa­van­nah Grass while chop­ping up some veg­eta­bles on their kitchen counter.

Park­er even­tu­al­ly ap­proached his wife from be­hind and start­ed to wine on her while hold­ing their four-month-old daugh­ter Ye­le­na. He up­loaded the video with the cap­tion: “Cook­ing with love with Thi­sis­real­Ma­ma! I wish my wife nev­er at­tempt­ed to teach me the bi­cy­cle (laugh­ing emo­ji). Have an amaz­ing week­end.”

Thi­sis­real­Ma­ma is the name of Wat­son-Park­er’s par­ent­ing blog.

Wat­son-Park­er is the daugh­ter of for­mer Gov­ern­ment sen­a­tor and Pro­fes­sor Emer­i­tus of the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies’ Patrick Wat­son.

“I saw her danc­ing in the kitchen and me be­ing me de­cid­ed to get on a bit stu­pid in the back­ground,” Park­er said dur­ing an in­ter­view on CNC3’s The Morn­ing Brew on Wednes­day.

The cou­ple met when Park­er vis­it­ed Trinidad for Car­ni­val.

Wat­son-Park­er played Car­ni­val last year while preg­nant with Ye­le­na.

She said she plays so­ca all the time at their home in the Unit­ed King­dom.

“It’s quite im­por­tant to me they know their roots and they un­der­stand my roots and Car­ni­val is a big part of be­ing from Trinidad and To­ba­go,” she said.

Wat­son-Park­er said she plays so­ca not on­ly to cure her cur­rent Car­ni­val ta­ban­ca but al­so to help put Ye­le­na to sleep.

Park­er said his favourite song this year is Ker­win Du Bois’ Right for Some­body.

The fam­i­ly has made oth­er videos fea­tur­ing pop­u­lar so­ca songs this year.

Wat­son-Park­er said she is glad to play her part in get­ting so­ca mu­sic, “which does not get much air­play as it should in­ter­na­tion­al­ly” to a glob­al au­di­ence through so­cial me­dia.