Trinidad: Illegal HDC tenant vandalises neighbour’s car

The tenant’s vandalised vehicle outside Clifton Towers in Port-of-Spain yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice of­fi­cers were called to the Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion’s Clifton Tow­ers at St Paul Street, Port-of-Spain, yes­ter­day, af­ter il­le­gal oc­cu­pants at the com­plex al­leged­ly van­dalised a ve­hi­cle be­long­ing to a le­gal ten­ant.

Threats were al­so al­leged­ly made against le­gal ten­ants, who are now mak­ing des­per­ate calls to HDC of­fi­cials for an im­me­di­ate in­ter­ven­tion as the fear of blood­shed now ris­es among ten­ants. It is be­lieved il­le­gal oc­cu­pants are tar­get­ing and threat­en­ing le­gal ten­ants whom they sus­pect are call­ing on the po­lice for help and look­ing to the me­dia for ex­po­sure.

A po­lice of­fi­cer at the Besson Street CID yes­ter­day con­firmed the ma­li­cious at­tacks and threats and as­sured of­fi­cers will in­ves­ti­gate and bring the per­pe­tra­tor or per­pe­tra­tors to jus­tice.

The T&T Guardian Me­dia ex­clu­sive­ly re­port­ed ear­li­er this week that 15 il­le­gal ten­ants who were evict­ed by po­lice and army per­son­nel in 2017 seemed to have re­turned af­ter a “gang­ster boss” was giv­en an apart­ment in one of the four tow­ers. Ten­ants now fear for their lives, as they claim that their safe­ty and se­cu­ri­ty is be­ing com­pro­mised dai­ly as gang ac­tiv­i­ties, drug us­age and ad­dicts are on the in­crease on the com­pound.

HDC man­ag­er of cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions Dike Noel has said they have re­quest­ed ad­di­tion­al sup­port and the in­ter­ven­tion of the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice. He al­so as­sured the HDC’s Se­cu­ri­ty De­part­ment “con­tin­ues to work with the TT Po­lice Ser­vice to treat with any il­le­gal ac­tiv­i­ties in Clifton Tow­er.”

With spe­cif­ic ref­er­ence to il­le­gal oc­cu­pants at Clifton Tow­er, Noel al­so as­sured that the HDC has an on­go­ing tar­get­ed pro­gramme to re­duce il­le­gal oc­cu­pan­cy and tres­pass­ing in its hous­ing de­vel­op­ments.
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